Here is a list of male WASPs in the federal government. There might be some Catholics here too, I don't really give a shit, they're all Christian. Basically, I found a list of people in the federal government and then took out women, blacks, Jews, Asians, Latinos, and the Kennedys. The Kennedys were the largest of those groups.
PresidentBush, George W.
Vice PresidentCheney, Richard
CabinentBodman, Samuel; Johanns, Mike; Kempthorn, Dirk; Leavitt, Michael O.; Nicholson, Jim; Paulson, Henry M.; Rumsfeld, Donald;
SenateAlexander, Lamar; Allard, Wayne; Allen, George; Baucus, Max; Bayh, Evan; Bennett, Robert; Biden, Joe; Bingaman, Jeff; Bond, Chris; Brownback, Sam “Brokeback”; Bunning, Jim; Burns, Conrad; Burr, Richard; Byrd, Robert; Carper, Thomas; Chafee, Lincoln; Chambliss, Saxby; Coburn, Tom; Cochran, Thad; Conrad, Kent; Cornyn, John; Craig, Larry; Crapo, Mike; Dayton, Mark; DeMint, Jim DeWine, Mike; Dodd, Chris; Domenici, Pete; Dorgan, Byron; Ensign, John; Enzi, Michael; Frist, Bill; Graham, Lindsey; Grassley, Chuck; Gregg, Judd; Hagel, Chuck; Harkin, Tom; Hatch, Orin; Isakson, Johnny; Jeffords, Jim; Johnson, Tim; Kyl, Jon; Lott, Trent; Lugar, Richard; McCain, John; McConnell, Mitch; Nelson, Bill; Nelson, Benjamin; Pryor, Mark; Reed, Jack; Reid, Harry; Roberts, Pat; Rockefeller, John; Santorum, Rick; Sessions, Jeff; Shelby, Richard; Smith, Gordon; Stevens, Ted; Talent, James; Thomas, Craig; Thune, John; Vitter, David; Voinovich, George; Warner, John;
House of RepresentativesAbercrombie, Neil; Aderholt, Robert B.; Akin, W. Todd; Alexander, Rodney; Allen, Thomas H.; Andrews, Robert E.; Baca, Joe; Bachus, Spencer; Baird, Brian; Baker, Richard H.; Barrett, J. Gresham; Barrow, John; Bartlett, Roscoe G.; Barton, Joe; Bass, Charles F.; Beauprez, Bob; Becerra, Xavier; Berry, Marion "The White One, Look It Up"; Bilbray, Brian P.; Bilirakis, Michael; Bishop, Rob; Bishop, Timothy H.; Blumenauer, Earl; Blunt, Roy; Boehlert, Sherwood; Boehner, John A.; Bonilla, Henry; Bonner, Jo; Boozman, John; Boren, Dan; Boswell, Leonard L.; Boucher, Rick; Are you still reading this?; Boustany, Charles W. Jr.; Boyd, Allen; Bradley, Jeb; Brady, Kevin; Brady, Robert A.; Brown, Henry E.; Jr. Brown, Sherrod; Burgess, Michael C.; Burton, Dan; Butterfield, G. K.; Buyer, Steve; Calvert, Ken; Camp, Dave; Campbell, John; Cannon, Chris; Cantor, Eric; Capuano, Michael E. "Swallows"; Cardoza, Dennis A.; Carnahan, Russ; Carter, John R.; Case, Ed; Castle, Michael N.; Chabot, Steve; Chandler, Ben; Chocola, Chris "Count"; Coble, Howard; Cole, Tom; Conaway, K. Michael; Cooper, Jim; Costa, Jim; Costello, Jerry F.; Cramer, Robert E. (Bud) Jr.; Crenshaw, Ander; Crowley, Joseph; Cuellar, Henry; Culberson, John Abney; Davis, Geoff; Davis, Jim; Davis, Lincoln; Davis, Tom; Deal, Nathan; DeFazio, Peter A.; Delahunt, William D.; Dent, Charles W.; Dicks, Norman D.; Dingell, John D.; Doggett, Lloyd; Doolittle, John T.; Doyle, Michael F.; Dreier, David; Duncan, John J. Jr.; Edwards, Chet; Ehlers, Vernon J.; English, Phil; Etheridge, Bob; Evans, Lane; Everett, Terry; Farr, Sam; Feeney, Tom; Ferguson, Mike; Fitzpatrick, Michael G.; Flake, Jeff; Foley, Mark; Forbes, J. Randy; Fortenberry, Jeff; Franks, Trent; really, you're still reading?; Frelinghuysen, Rodney P.; Gallegly, Elton; Garrett, Scot;t Gerlach, Jim; Gibbons, Jim; Gilchrest, Wayne T.; Gillmor, Paul E.; Gingrey, Phil; Gohmert, Louie; Goode, Virgil H. Jr.; Goodlatte, Bob; Gordon, Bart; Graves, Sam; Green, Al "WASP Love"; Green, Gene; Green, Mark; Gutknecht, Gil; Hall, Ralph M.; Hastert, J. Dennis; Hastings, Doc; Hayes, Robin "I'm a Man"; Hayworth, J. D.; Hefley, Joel; Hensarling, Jeb; Herger, Wally; Higgins, Brian; Hinchey, Maurice D.; Hobson, David L.; Hoekstra, Peter; Holden, Tim; Holt, Rush D.; Honda, Michael M.; Hostettler, John N.; Hoyer, Steny H.; Hulshof, Kenny C.; Hunter, Duncan; Hyde, Henry J.; Inglis, Bob; Inslee, Jay; Issa, Darrell E.; Istook, Ernest J. Jr.; Jenkins, William L.; Jindal, Bobby; Johnson, Eddie Bernice; Johnson, Sam; Johnson, Timothy V.; Jones, Walter B.; Kanjorski, Paul E.; Keller, Ric; Kildee, Dale E.; Kind, Ron; King, Peter T.; King, Steve; Kingston, Jack; Kirk, Mark Steven; Kline, John; Knollenberg, Joe; Kolbe, Jim; Kuhl, John R. "Randy'' Jr.; LaHood, Ray "In"; Langevin, James R.; Larsen, Rick; Larson, John B.; Latham, Tom; LaTourette, Steven C.; Leach, James A.; Lewis, Jerry "Not the Jewish Comedian"; Lewis, Ron; Linder, John; LoBiondo, Frank A.; Lucas, Frank D.; Lungren, Daniel E.; Lynch, Stephen F.; McCarthy, Carolyn; McCaul, Michael T.; McCotter, Thaddeus G.; McCrery, Jim; McDermott, Jim; McGovern, James P.; McHenry, Patrick T. "I have not yet begun to McFight"; McHugh, John M.; McIntyre, Mike; McKeon, Howard P. "Buck''; McNulty, Michael R.; Mack, Connie- the great baseball manager? I thought he was dead; Manzullo, Donald A.; Marchant, Kenny; Markey, Edward J.; Marshall, Jim "Running the Wrong Way"; Matheson, Jim; Meehan, Martin T.; Meeks, Gregory W.; Melancon, Charlie; Mica, John L.; Michaud, Michael H.; Miller, Brad; Miller, Gary G.; Miller, George; Miller, Jeff; Mollohan, Alan B.; Moore, Dennis; Moran, James P. "Hates Jews"; Moran, Jerry; Murphy, Tim; Murtha, John P. "Coward?"; Neal, Richard E.; Neugebauer, Randy; Ney, Robert W.; Norwood, Charlie; Nunes, Devin; Nussle, Jim; Oberstar, James L.; Obey, David R.; Olver, John W.; Osborne, Tom "Great Football Coach Turned Bad Politician"; Otter, C. L. "Butch''; Oxley, Michael G.; Pallone, Frank "Stallone" Jr.; Pascrell, Bill Jr.; Pastor, Ed; Paul, Ron; Pearce, Stevan; Pence, Mike; Peterson, Collin C.; Peterson, John E.; Petri, Thomas E.; Pickering, Charles W. "Chip''; Pitts, Joseph R.; Platts, Todd Russell; Poe, Ted; Pombo, Richard W.; Pomeroy, Earl; Porter, Jon C.; Price, David E.; Price, Tom; really reading this thoroughly are we?; Putnam, Adam H.; Rahall, Nick J. II "I'm Too Good For Jr."; Ramstad, Jim; Regula, Ralph "a-"; Rehberg, Dennis R.; Reichert, David G.; Renzi, Rick; Reyes, Silvestre; Reynolds, Thomas M.; Rogers, Harold; Rogers, Mike; Rogers, Mike; Ross, Mike; Royce, Edward R.; Ruppersberger, C. A. Dutch; Ryan, Paul; Ryan, Tim; Ryun, Jim; Sabo, Martin Olav; Saxton, Jim; Schwarz, John J. H. "Joe''; Scott, David; Sensenbrenner, F. James Jr.; Sessions, Pete; Shadegg, John B.; Shaw, E. Clay Jr.; Shays, Christopher; Sherwood, Don; Shimkus, John; Shuster, Bill; Simmons, Rob; Simpson, Michael K.; Skelton, Ike; Smith, Adam- the 19th century economist?; Smith, Christopher H.; Smith, Lamar S.; Snyder, Vic; Sodrel, Michael E.; Souder, Mark E.; Spratt, John M. Jr.; Stark, Fortney Pete; Stearns, Cliff; Strickland, Ted; Stupak, Bart; Sullivan, John; Sweeney, John E.; Tancredo, Thomas G. ;Tanner, John S.; Taylor, Charles H.- the former Liberian president?; Taylor, Gene "I'm A Man"; Terry, Lee "Me Too"; Thomas, William M.; Thompson, Mike; Thornberry, Mac; Tiahrt, Todd; Tiberi, Patrick J.; Tierney, John F.; Turner, Michael R.; Udall, Mark; Udall, Tom; Upton, Fred; Van Hollen, Chris "My Rep"; Visclosky, Peter J.; Walden, Greg; Walsh, James T.; Wamp, Zach; Weldon, Curt; Weldon, Dave; Weller, Jerry; Westmoreland, Lynn A. "I Swear I'm A Man Too"; Whitfield, Ed; Wicker, Roger F.; Wilson, Joe- Valerie Plame's husband?; Wolf, Frank R.; Young, C. W. Bill; Young, Don;
Supreme CourtSouter, David; Steven, John; There are 4 white male Catholic judges (Alito, Kennedy, Roberts, Scalia).
This is not a hate post.
It should be used for poignant comedic purposes only.