Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Where is Bill Riccio Now?

He's still in jail, dreaming about Matthew Hale and his ideology.

Chin up Bill. Stay strong and always remember this bit of wisdom: When god closes a jail cell, he opens up a butthole.


Anonymous said...

This only shows how people will believe anything without checking it out for themselves. IF you want an answer, then go to the upcoming Klan rally in ALABAMA!!!
I know him personaly, and I am sure Mr. Riccio will be there.

Russellville Alabama,
December 8th, Franklin County Courthouse, 10:00 till noon.

Anonymous said...

Bill Riccio is NOT in jail.
You all must be some real idiots.
That just goes to show you how trust worthy the media is.

Anonymous said...

Dude, don't forget the rally on December 15 at 2pm in Haleyville Alabama at the KFC off Route 129. We do hating people right!

Anonymous said...

Hey, the Russellville rally was moved back to December 9 at the same time. See you there!

Anonymous said...

Hail Martin Luther King

Anonymous said...

Dave, everytime I've come to your blog, it is through Google searches. Really. You are actually in the top ten of searches on "Bill Riccio." I doubt you know this, but I was wondering what the weapons charge was. See, he is disqualified from owning weapons, I believe, because he is a felon. However, before buying a weapon, you must attest, under penalty of perjury that you are and never have been either "a Nazi" or "a member of the Nazi Party." I think it is the latter, but the word is definitely Nazi and not National Socialist. Which makes me wonder if this could be used to disarm and arrest members of such groups. If so, the law would probably be found unconstitutional and rightly so, though I think both parties would be willing to amend the Constitution then. Anyways, he is not in jail. He only got 6 months and a fine. Dave, e-mail me at

Gabriel at

Probst 101, mother****er

Anonymous said...

bill is in mexico not jail...or perdido key.

Unknown said...

bill is in Eastlake Alabama 9th court South. He is doing good finacially. Being a Felon restricts you from having peiople around you who can own guns..BOdy guard statute.

Anonymous said...

why would he live in eastlake,its a black comunity?

Anonymous said...

Under gray, threatening skies and the watchful gaze of hundreds of law-enforcement officers in riot gear, about 60 white separatist skinheads and Klansmen marched through downtown today and held a rally at the city's Confederate monument.

Bill Riccio, a 34-year-old commander in the National Aryan Front, said the rally and march were designed to call attention to the fact that "Alabama has been designated as a white homeland."

-----maybe the indians need to start marches instead of casino'

Anonymous said...

what you talking about fools? i spoke to bill only a few days ago he is now a born again jew, living life to the max with his long term partner of 4 years frank.

KMD said...

Does anyone actually know where he is or is everyone just being sarcastic or guessing? Does he have a website anymore??

Anonymous said... shit...where is he?

Anonymous said...

hey "Viper"... it's a shame that someone didn't try to take out riccio years ago. good riddance to bad trash! you can run but you can't hide - sooner (or later)
the government and/ or the law will
find you.

Anonymous said...

Interesting array of comments there.... from what i can tell all these comments are from locals (north america).... im australian and let me give you my perspective... . Me and a friend watched the documentary about 15 years ago and we STILL laugh about what we saw.... we especially liked the loyalty song and it comes out sometimes when we drink... , "white national socialist, with loyalty to cups of tea" .... let's be fair here.... bill riccio might be a child molesting, hate-mongering, ignorant criminal retard that surrounds himself with people dopey enough to want to hang around with a child molesting, hate mongering, ignorant criminal retard.... but give him his due.... as a comedian, he's a talented fucker... and he's not even trying! Imagine if he put his mind to it...,

Anonymous said...

Yea, I agree with what Patrick Said-"Ford Power!!"

Anonymous said...

How can I get involved in the skinhead movement? E-mail me...
I wanna join something like this where I feel I belong.

Anonymous said...

To all the Riccio followers who've been wondering what's he up to these days. He's currently working at Taco bell pulling the night shift, so he'll only be available for day time rallies. Keep Following, you too can work in this fast paced, fast food industry. Go Senor' Bill

Anonymous said...

oh Lord!

Anonymous said...

The music they played on the documentery skin head the race war during a party and during a rally was kick ass. Does anyone know who those bands were?

alex1726 said...

im spanish ,god bless america,im proud to be here,and i fell sorry for u damn racist,pepole,i hope one day u open u eyes and see the true.

Anonymous said...

The band playing the outdoor rally was Final Solution. Other white power bands on the documentary's soundtrack were:
White American Youth
Brutal Attack

In the indoor concert scene the skinheads are seeing a band called Vomit Spots who were NOT a white power band.

Quanasha Jackson said...

I love me some skinheads. One ate my pussy so good once. White boy's be the best.

Idiot patrol said...

Man I'm from the south, I believe in standing up for your race... But this kiddie fiddler bill ricccio is a complete idiot... I laughed my as off when in the documentary when he starts singing with a British accent. The stupidest thing about the documentary was when a 17 year old kid tells him he looks and acts like hitler , an he believes him!!!! Lol what a fucken idiot...yea you guys make white people look real good , wearing shity clothes , you all drive peace of shit cars, the house in the doc, looks like it should be condemned, if that's being your idea of a white person, your making us look really bad, like drunk hicks, that doc was made in 92 and I saw nothing that they owned to be newer than 1985....

Idiot patrol said...
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Idiot patrol said...

Ps spit on the flag today I dare you and let some one film it, I dare you

Idiot patrol said...
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Idiot patrol said...

Oh you mean I missed 7 poor people getting drunk, damn

Idiot patrol said...

Well first you have to drop ur iq down to 70 if your iq is above 70 , sorry

Idiot patrol said...

Oh and if you are qualified with a 70 iq or lower and get in, you'll be in a place were you feel like you really belong, it's called prison

Idiot patrol said...

Even skinheads across the country are laughing at this shit I hope, I would love to see a one on one fight with him an well, anyone,

Idiot patrol said...

You can have a felony and still have armed body guards they just can't be 12 year olds that you've molested....

Idiot patrol said...

The music was terrible

Anonymous said...

Join a Gay club....your 1st requirement to become a skinhead. You see "skinhead" refers to the "Alabama" method of oral copulation in which the "sucker" or skinhead skins back or pulls back the foreskin of the penis just Pryor to inserting the member into the mouth to begin sucking.

Anonymous said...

I know Bill personally, he's a good man. People who don't know shouldn't say anything about him.

Anonymous said...

2018 Bill is a good man and we are proud to stand with him. It's not about hate at all,its about helping your race.

Unknown said...

Where is bill in 2020? Even alive anymore??

Anonymous said...

Fuck that nigger