Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year in Review

I'm not much for marking artificial ends nor arbitrary beginnings, but I suppose there's something significant in setting a designated moment to look back.

Ths was an eventful year for me. I went to the Inauguration of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States and the first to be a black man. Later, I developed a new strategy for when you drop the soap while in prison. I became the dictator of a country and banned the hell out things I dislike. I also found out the difference between a McDouble and a double cheeseburger, because, apparently, there is one.

I wasn't the only one to have an eventful year. Former Pittsburgh Pirate Andy Van Slyke went on a rampage. Anne Frank came back from the dead, Speidi met Nelson Mandela, and Chuck Wepner started his own sports trivia show.

Back t0 me. I got my nation involved in a crisis with Tajikistan. I also made a fantastic pass in a pick-up basketball game. Another trip to India punctuated the year.

So that's it. Eventful. That's a good way to describe things. But then again, isn't every year eventful?

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