Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Don Imus, Blacks, and Jews

Don Imus is a vicious racist and sexist. He should be fired.

Upon watching some of the barrage of coverage on this story, I saw three people bring the Jews into it unprovoked: Stephen A. Smith, Michael Smith, and John Salley. I like all three and was shocked to here their statements. Each essentially said that, "If Don Imus said anything derogatory about Jews, he'd be fired."

I don't want to play the victimization game. There’s no question that racism permeates this country and that black people must unjustly endure bigotry on a consistent basis. But the assertion that Jews and other peoples do not also face hatred is plain wrong.

For an example I take you back to Mel Gibson's comments. He said that Jews start all the wars and run the world. Like this one, it was a big story, and eventually faded away. Mel Gibson put out his little movie Apocalypto, which got a few Oscar nominations and he’s doing just fine. There was very little condemnation of Mel Gibson and no repercussions. In fact, any Jew that tried to speak out against Gibson's comments was accused off "piling on" this poor alcoholic man.
This assertion (that Imus would be fired if he said anything anti-Semitic) is based on the perception that Jews control the media. Of course the companies that employ Don Imus are mega-corporations run by white male gentiles. White gentiles do not give Jews preference over any other group, even though many neo-con Jews wish they would.

This perception may also come from the fact that if a black man said something anti-Semitic, he would be fired. But this is not because he said something anti-Semitic, but because he’s black and lives in a racist society and thus he would face harsher repercussions than a white man such as Don Imus. Now we need to get back to the original issue, unite, and focus on fighting racism and bigotry.

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