Monday, November 13, 2006

Which is Better for America?

Today on "Which is Better for America?" we evaluate two men who left us last week. We will explore whether the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is better for America than the death of journalist Ed Bradley.

Donald Rumsfeld has unsuccessfully planned two wars during his stint as Secretary of Defense. Ed Bradley successfully covered one unsuccessful war as a journalist for CBS News. However, the media, of which Ed Bradley was a member, has mischaracterized Donald Rumsfeld's wars, making this country weaker.

Ed Bradley was a pioneer in journalism, becoming the first black man to work as a reporter for CBS News in 1967. Donald Rumsfeld has also been a pioneer, becoming the 13th white man to be Secretary of Defense in 1975. Rumsfeld was also the first white man to ever hold the post twice. Two is better than one.

Similar to rebellious youth, Ed Bradley wore an earring. Donald Rumsfeld attempted to prevent terrorism from striking in America again.

Now we have all of the facts in front of us. So, which one is better for America?

From the information above, it seems obvious. Of course Donald Rumsfeld resigning as Secretary of Defense is better. He led our country into two ill-planned, ill-fated wars, where thousands upon thousands of people have been killed. Maybe this country will shift away from a policy of destruction now that he's gone. Plus, Ed Bradley dying is not good at all; it's sad. C'mon this one wasn't even close, what's wrong with you people. How could you even consider Ed Bradley's death better for America? You make me sick!

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