Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Microsoft Word is anti-Semitic

Whenever I try to spellcheck Yiddish words, Microsoft Word gives me some interesting suggestions. Here are some...

mensch - munch, mesh, menace, mash, menisci.
plotz - plots, pilots, plats.
shvitz - shifts, shirts, shrifts, soviets.
bubkes - bubbles, bucks, bulks, burkes, buboes.
bubbe - bubble, babe, bubby, bubo, bobbed.
meshugge - messenger, meshing, mashing.
mazel - maze, hazel, maize, maser.
bubelah - bubble, bibelot, rubella, bubal, bugbear.
gelt - gilt, geld, gel, get.
oy - you, coy, joy, soy, toy.
shikse - shakes, shrikes, spikes, hikes.
toches - touches, torches, troches, techs.
shmutz - shuts, smuts, shouts.
shmeer - sheer, schemer, shear, smear.
shnoz - shoos, shone, show, snooze, shot.
shtup - setup, shot, stop, step, stoop.
feh - fen, fey, fez, few, fee.
ferklempt - (no suggestions)
balebusta - (no suggestions)

Yiddish words than Microsoft Word recognizes, with their spelling...
kvetch, schlimazel, schlemiel, goy, mitzvah, yarmulke, chutzpa, yenta, schmooze, schmaltz, schlep, nebbish, schmuck, shtick, nosh, matzo, lox, bagel, klutz.

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