Friday, December 19, 2008

Preaching from the Closet

My name is Head Taggard. I am a fanatical pro-gay preacher at the Gay Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. My partner, Mike, and I are deeply committed to securing equal rights for homosexuals. We believe fully that gay people have every right to marry the love of their life. A person should never be fired due to their sexual orientation and that right should be legally protected. Violence against a homosexual individual simply because the person is a homosexual is a hate crime. Gay couples have every right to adopt and raise children. In short, my partner and I spend every waking hour fighting for political, legal, economic, and social equality for all people, regardless of the sex of their lovers.

But I have a dark secret. I am actually straight. Despite my status as a preacher and my commitment to gay rights, I have been having an affair with a woman named Gayle for many years. Occasionally we do meth, but that's another story. There are many moments when I wish I could just be myself. I dream of white picket fences. I dream of lazy Sundays where I spend the whole day in the garage fixing things that don't need fixing just to avoid any interaction with my wife. I dream of a world where I'm cold and distant to my children because I'm not in touch with my emotions and don't know how to express my feelings.

But alas, those dreams will never become reality. I must choose between my life's work and my true self. That is the life of a closeted straight pro-gay preacher.

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