Saturday, November 08, 2008

Letter to Obama and Emaunel

Dear Mr. Obama and Mr. Emanuel,

I know it's tempting, but please do not enslave the white gentiles or put them in concentration camps. I don't believe that would help anything. Both are forms of brutality that are designed to dehumanize the victims. We must remember that white gentiles are human beings, just like us.

It's important not to purchase white gentiles for the purpose of forced labor for a few reasons, not least because of the simple fact that slavery is wrong. It would also be wrong to separate these white gentiles from their families. I am against whipping them to make them work harder. Humans deserve a certain amount of freedom and to receive a wage proportionate to their work. They should not be treated as property.

I am also against interring people in concentration camps and feeding them next to nothing. Businesses should not be violently targeted for the simple fact that they are owned by white gentiles. They should not be made to wear arm bands. People should be provided with water for their showers, not poisonous gas. I must reiterate my opposition to the concept of forced labor.

In general, I am against raping their women to fulfill our own sexual fantasies. That is sadistically misogynist and just plain mean. I am against misogyny. Also, if a white gentile doesn't work as hard as they should or happens to take a break for a second, they should not be shot to death or tortured.

I don't believe that you two should be less likely to oppress others than a white gentile because of the fact that your peoples have known oppression themselves. Treating people as equals is, or should be, a fundamental principle of being a member of the human race and even white gentiles should adhere to that basic standard. But, regardless of the actions of white gentiles, I don't think it is appropriate to enslave them or put them in concentration camps. Rule justly. Good luck.

The HarazQuack Times

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