Friday, November 07, 2008

Rahm Emanuel to be Named Chief of Staff

That's right! Hey, neo-nazis, now blacks and Jews really do run the government... SUCK ON THAT!

My fellow blacks and Jews, now is not the time for revenge. We must explain to the white gentiles that we mean good. We won't do to them what they did to us. But let's go ahead and cancel the rest of the NASCAR season anyway. Just to show 'em who's boss now.

First we ran the NBA together, now the United States government. I want to see the Nation of Islam marching through Klan neighborhoods every day. See how they like it. I'll take care of the burning Star of David on their lawn. The police won't stop me. They work for us now.

Ok, ok. Before I get too carried away, a guy who is black and a guy who is a Jew are high level members of the government. That's different than "the blacks and Jews run the government." Oh well. Maybe some day. And when that day comes, we're bringing the Mexicans and the Asians with us.

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