Sunday, July 13, 2008

Furniture in a Truck

At first I ignored a few hard knocks and a couple of doorbell rings, but I decided to open the door. The culprit had walked down the driveway and turned when he heard the door open.

In a thick accent, the stereotypical Southerner cried out over the loud large truck parked on the street outside of my house, "Hi, we're a furniture company from North Carolina. If you need any furniture just come on and take a look in our truck."

Ha! I'm not falling for the old furniture-in-a-truck scam. I don't play that game. I know what happens. You go into the back of the truck thinking you're looking at furniture, next thing you know, you're in a concentration camp.

That happened to my grandfather. All he wanted was a dinette set and then BAM! Buchenwald.

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