Tuesday, January 29, 2008

State of the Union Reaction

The thing I take away most from the State of the Union address, George Bush's last, is that old white men sure loved it. They stood up and cheered like it was a Pat Boone concert. Well, except for the one guy who fell asleep. Meanwhile, the gays, blacks, Jews, Latinos, and women across the aisle sat quietly throughout much of the speech, much like if it was a, well, also a Pat Boone concert.

Early on it in the speech, Mr. Bush displayed a wry smile a few times. There can only be one reason for the wide smirk. He farted on Nancy Pelosi. A bit later, Vice President Dick Cheney, who no longer has a sense of smell, lifted his left buttock and passed gas aimed at Ms. Pelosi. Pelosi looked directly at Mr. Cheney afterwards with distaste. The double fart attack clearly had an affect on Ms. Pelosi, who spent most of the address blinking heavily, wiggling her nose, and looking down due to depression over what had just transpired.

At one point, the camera showed Hillary Clinton and then went back to the three at the center of attention, including Ms. Pelosi. It made me imagine a potential matchup for president between the two. I would easily support Pelosi over Clinton.

Two other women were fighting for the admiration of the current president. Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice seemed to have a clap-off to see who could show agreement with Mr. Bush's remarks more fervently. Poor Condy. Standing front and center, clapping her little heart out. Forbidden love can be so painful.

Ted Kennedy was sitting right next to Barack Obama, like two buds at a third grade lunch table. In the back, virtually alone was John Kerry- who also endorsed Mr. Obama- yesterday's news.

The speech itself was another ideological and divisive one. A few token gestures to the other side, but largely the same old George Bush. I admire his stance on undocumented immigration, even if I don't totally agree with it, but if only he had expressed that type of reasonable and sensible thinking over the past seven years. Far fewer people would have died.

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