Thursday, March 01, 2007

Broken Promise for Lent

Yesterday, I said, "Emmanuel Lewis is fat as shit." I immediately realized that I had made a mistake. I felt so bad. I looked at my brother in horror. It just slipped out. I didn't know what to do. For Lent I had decided to give up "fat jokes."

I asked my Catholic friend Mike what I could do to repent. I told him I wanted to perform some Hail Marys, but couldn't find a friend or a football. Evidently, I have a lot to learn about Catholicism. Mike told me that I should acknowledge my mistake to G-d and pledge to do better. That's exactly what I've done. I am sincere in my commitment to keep my promise for Lent. I'm hoping that giving up "fat jokes" for Lent will accomplish two things for me: 1) In the future I will limit the number of fat jokes I say because they can be hurtful. 2) I will make sure the fat jokes I do make will be witty enough to warrant the hurt they may cause.

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