Saturday, December 09, 2006

I Make Mistakes- Bulgarian Edition

Back in September, I posted pictures from my trip to Eastern Europe. I put up pictures of Jewishness and of perceived anti-Semitism. I have pictures of two different swastikas in Sofia, Bulgaria. I assumed that the swatikas were signs of anti-Semitism (a big stretch, I know). After learning more about Bulgaria's relationship to Jews and with help from some nice informed people, I learned that Bulgaria was one of only two countries to save their Jewish co-nationalists from the Nazis and that the swastikas were actually expressing anti-fascist sentiment.

Thus, including those pictures in with others that exhibit anti-Semitism was a mistake. I truly apologize. The more I learn about Bulgarian people, the more I like them. They're J-okay in my book.

Here are the comments from the earlier post. As far as I can tell, two different people left anonymous comments. I'll call one awesome anon and the other idiot anon to avoid confusion:

Awesome anon: Dude, The writings on the wall in Sofia mean "death to fascism" and "a big dick to fascism" (this being the Balkans). The Bulgarian far right groups mostly target the Roma minority. Jews have generally been treated well throughout Bulgarian history and no Bulgarian Jews were sent to the death camps. After the Communist takeover almost the entire 50 000 strong community left for Israel, most of them being either professional or business people and as such not overly pleased with the new system. Quite a lot of Israelis of Bulgarian descent have successfully applied for Bulgarian citizenship recently, as joining the EU draws near.

knibilnats: A man who works the security beat for Sofia's synagogue also told me that the relationship between Jews and Bulgarians have historically been good. Bulgaria is 1 of 2 countries to save all of their Jews during the War. Thank you very much for the info and I'll add a little note by the pictures. I'm still going to leave them up there so your comment makes sense. Thanks again.

Idiot anon: It is sickening to present antifascist graffities as antisemitic. This is how the zionist propaganda works. The posting is an offense to the Bulgarian nation.

knibilnats: hahaha, are you serious? C'mon man, I don't speak Bulgarian and I saw swastikas in several places. What am I supposed to think? But I learned more, and also the first nice person above left a very INSIGHTFUL comment. (Imagine that: dialogue instead of accusations). I'm not sure what this has to do with Zionism though. To be honest, I think you have an agenda in writing a comment in this manner. But I'll make things clearer to avoid confusion. peace and love

Idiot anon accessed my site from Budapest, Hungary, not Bulgaria (another point for Bulgaria). I really enjoyed Budapest, it's a lovely city, but unfortunately there were prevalent signs of anti-Semitism. Also, a message to the anti-Semites of the world, please look up the definition of Zionism. Not everything a Jew does relates to Zionism. Please, that's just very sloppy anti-Semitism, clean up your act.

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