Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Iranian and Mexican Threat

ESPN Announcer Dave O'Brien drew the picture. Yes, this was a soccer game, but it was more. In the following 90 minutes, O'Brien claimed, all of the politics, all of the history, and all of the tension would be played out on the soccer field...

I am a history student. Someday I'll have enough self-confidence to call myself a historian. Regardless of my sense of self, I was pretty sure Mexico and Iran, the two teams playing "in the following 90 minutes" didn't have much to do with each other, historically or presently.

Of course, the dispute with Iran's proposed nuclear desires has been a point of contention with the US. Likewise, immigration from Mexico has been a hot political issue here in America. But America wasn't playing Iran or Mexico. They were playing each other! So shut the fuck up Dave O'Brien! Learn how to say Iran properly and enough with the shadows. Shadows impact soccer matches, shadows impact baseball games, shadows impact your sexual prowess... just shut up with the shadows asshole.

I perceived the German fans' booing of the Iranian team was because of the Iranian president's denial of the Holocaust (kind of a touchy subject in Germany). I must admit that made me uncomfortable. I can't really explain it.

As far as Holocaust denial, Ahmadnejad doesn't bother me. To put it bluntly, he is the president of a country that I'm not afraid of. His Holocaust denial doesn't pose much of a threat. Now, if Bush denied the Holocaust, I'd be worried. But I'm already worried because he's such a Jesus freak, yet "loves" Jews. Basically, just leave us alone.

Let's go ANGOLA!!!


AnonymousBlogger said...

I agree 100%. No one cared more about the Mexico/Iran matchup more than O'Obrien. I'm not a soccer fan, but it's fun to watch the political tangents that soccer creates with it's matches. Moreso than any other sport I think.

knibilnats said...

concerned: Unfortunately, the Sinhalese could post similarly tragic pictures. At the moment, I believe the Sri Lankan government should take Tamil demands into account considerably more than they have, but violence is not the answer for either side.

Whether the action was just or not, Tamil Tiger violence has led them to recently being considered as a terrorist organization by the EU.

anon: the Angola\Portugal match showed as much. But Mexico and Iran have nothing to do with each other politically! Dave O'Brien is a tool.