Saturday, July 11, 2020

Blake Ness, Railroaded Genius

Dartmouth grad Blake Ness, who worked for the Daily Caller before he became the head writer for Tucker Carlson's show, resigned this week. It was discovered that he had been posting supposedly bigoted remarks under the pseudonym CharlesXII in an online forum.

People who are quick to judge don't understand Blake Ness. Blake was idolized in this online forum. He felt not only a part of the group but was accepted as the titan he always perceived himself to be. After one leaves college and fails to go to graduate school, life is lonely. In Washington D.C. there isn't a lot of chance to fraternize with conservative thinkers and even if that's not true, they certainly wouldn't have accepted Blake Ness. No, the semi-anonymous online world was the only place Blake could "belong."

Blake Ness is 30 years old. His hairline is running away from his doughy face faster than advertisers flee Tucker Carlson's show after he reads on air something racist Blake has written. Blake has man boobs. He's noticeably short. None of these are necessarily negative attributes, but in Blake's mind they are.

Blake doesn't date much, but when he does, he jokes about the fiery deaths of a couple million people. When the date fails, he doesn't blame his insecurity and desperation. He blames his rodent-like face which is exposed by his retreating pili. He faults the subtle jiggle of his fleshy chest as he walks. If only he realized he needed to put himself out there more and tamp down his self-absorption and radiating self-pity, he could find love. If he devoted his time to listening to others- whether they are of a different race, gender or sexual orientation- he could make his mark on this world in a positive way.

Instead, we all know how this will end. He won't find love. His career as a rising conservative player has been dashed. It's over. He'll eventually move back to South Dakota. As the years pass, he'll become increasingly radicalized and lose touch with reality. An incoherent manifesto, not unlike a script for Tucker Carlson's show, will be found. Lives will be lost. Blake Ness will be in the news once again. A tragedy he alone could have averted.

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