Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Letter to Gadhafi

Dear Muammar,

We've had some good times. I'll never forget sticking it to those bloody thirsty imperialist Americans. Blowing up that plane in Scotland gave us a sense of pride. We wouldn't be dictated to by the powers that be.

But things have changed recently. Forty two years is a long time. And you're not as young as you used to be. You don't look like when we first met. We wanted something new. Yet, you couldn't handle that. You've decided to beat us. You won't let go.

Muammar, it's over. Let's break on amicable terms. Let's always remember the good times and forget about the torture and oppression. Muammar, if you're love is real, it's time to let go.

The Libyan People

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