Tuesday, November 23, 2010

7-11 Stories

I was standing in line at the 7-11, sipping my Slurpee. Two white kids were holding up the line as their various IDs were rejected. One of them sported a bit of buzzed blonde hair. He inexplicably had an earring in his left ear. He noticed a buddy behind me in line.

"Haven't seen you in a minute," called the buddy behind me. I hadn't heard that expression in a minute.

I stopped listening for a few moments. Then I heard the kid with the earring say, "I'm mad tight with my parents, so I'm living with them now. We weren't so tight before, so I was like, yo, fuck that shit."

I don't remember 1996 being that great a year. But maybe if you were too young to notice, 1996 seems mad tight yo. Mad tight enough to be stuck in it.

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