Saturday, December 19, 2009

Arbeit Macht Frei

The sign over Auschwitz promising freedom with work was recently stolen... which is hilarious! I just wish they had stolen the sign 75 years ago.

It's funny because someone must've said (probably while high), "You know what we should do, man? We should steal the sign at Auschwitz!" Then, another person must have said, "Good idea."

A third person probably started to plan, "Well, we'll need a big ladder. And a big truck. And we'll need a screwdriver. Let's bring a flathead and a Philips just in case." That's our proof that it wasn't the Jews.

Personally, I think it was a college student. You know how everyone puts those "No Parking" signs over their dorm rooms? What would be cooler than the Auschwitz sign? So, just look for the guy with a giant "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign over his door.

Crime solved.

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