Saturday, October 24, 2009

Crossing the Street

I'm probably going to receive some guff for the pictures I've taken. I brought 4 disposable cameras and have used two half way through my trip, so I'm on pace. But it's been a struggle to find things to take pictures of. That's because I want to take a picture of everything! Also, because if I stand for more than 2 seconds in any one spot, I will be run over and killed.

So here are some tips for crossing the street in any Indian city. First, pretend that bicycles and cycle rickshaws are invisible. There are too many of them, they go slow, and if they do hit you, you won't die. I've been hit by a couple on this trip and I'm fine. Second, cross the street in steps. Don't worry if you find yourself in the middle with motorcycles wizzing by you on both sides. Just proceed as much as you can whenever you can. Theoretically, people don't want to run into you. Another step is to judge vehicles' speed and act accordingly. The final rule is don't worry about acting cool. Sure, most of the time, Indian people stroll through the traffic without any concern. But if you're not local, there's no shame in making a dash for it. If you follow these simple steps, there's a chance you'll only get hit a few times in 3 and half weeks in India.

Today I ran into a version of a bingo game at lunch featuring a about 20 women, which was neat. Other than that, I've been a bit sick. I've developed the same phlegm induced whooping cough as many people here. My body had held up, but the option of either full blast AC or nothing has been the straw. Also, I'm allergic to something as I've broken out in hives all over my forehead. It might be the bug spray or the bugs themselves. It might be the sheets. But I think it's the washing powder I bought to clean my clothes. Whatever it is, I'll be fine.

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