Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ask Ted - Hiding Her Boyfriend

Dear Ted,

I just found out that a female friend of mine has a boyfriend. The worst part is that she's had a boyfriend for 8 months and never told me! I even met him 2 months ago and she described him as a friend before the meeting. She gave some lame excuse, like, they weren't serious so she didn't want to saying anything. I'm furious. I feel very betrayed. What should I do?

Outraged in Ocean City

Dear Outraged,

One thing you should not do is rape and murder and her. I can tell you that from personal experience. Other than that, I'll say you have a right to feel angry. She was not honest with you. You have to ask yourself, if this person is acting like a good friend. Also, she does not appear to be a very good girlfriend. She's more interested in keeping her options open, which is why she didn't want to tell you.

Ted Bundy is not a licensed therapist. He is, however, a convicted serial rapist and murderer.

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