Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Suspended for Genocide

Goucher College recently suspended a French professor, Leopold Munyakazi, for allegedly partaking in the Rwandan genocide. Ideally, that is not what this grandson of Holocaust survivors had in mind for my alma mater. I guess it's not as offensive as if I had been from Rwanda and if my grandparents didn't survive the genocide or if Dr. Munyakazi was a 100 year old German Nazi-sympathizer who speaks impeccable French. I guess those things would be slightly more offensive.

Clearly, there is a problem with Goucher's interviewing process. The end of the interview should have gone as such: "Well Dr. Munyakazi, your credentials are in order, everything looks great. You speak French beautifully. One last thing, have you have been charged with genocide?" Or perhaps, the question should have been more subtle: "Dr. Munyakazi, do you have any skeletons in your closet you'd like to reveal? I mean, literally do you have any skeletons of Tutsis or moderate Hutus in your closet right now?" Then you would have avoided this embarrassment. But the school never listens to its students.

I always suspected some of the professors at Goucher of murder and possibly rape, but not genocide. I’m shocked.

A few years ago the president of Harvard said that women were biologically stupider than men in math and science. He is now Obama's Director of the National Economic Council. According to that logic, the president of Goucher is headed for a big promotion. Secretary General of the UN might be in the cards! At the very least, he's done what he set out to do; he's put Goucher on the map. People know us now.

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