Sunday, December 14, 2008

Throw Your Shoes into the Bush

Today, while George W. Bush was giving his farewell press conference in Baghdad, an Iraqi journalist stood up and threw his shoes at the American president. It's a shot at one's pride to have shoes thrown at you, but Bush is lucky. My brother used to throw his shoes at me and when he ran out, he'd throw my own shoes at me. Getting your own shoes thrown at you is far more humiliating.

As you can see in this clip, Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki waves at the second shoe in an effort to "defend" the president. It was one of those, "Well, he's my guest and the guy who pays the bills, so I'll make an effort, but he's a real prick and I wish I could throw my shoes at him, so I won't try too hard."

After a few seconds of wishing they had thrown some shoes at this asshole, the Iraqi security forces begrudgingly went after the thrower. No one got hurt, the point was made- Bush ruined their country, he should be humiliated- and it was all in good fun. Hopefully, this will start a trend of various clothing items hurled at the outgoing Commander in Chief. One positive thing that must be said about Bush; the way he dodged that first shoe, he has the quickness of a cat.

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