Sunday, March 02, 2008

A Letter To My Fellow Neo-nazis

Dear fellow neo-nazis,

I am writing to all of my neo-nazi brothers and sisters to express my embarrassment at the current state of our movement. We have been marginalized, maligned, and maltreated, yet we have no defense. We just take it.

It appears to me that we neo-nazis don't accept anyone who has an education beyond the third grade. Most of our ilk cannot hold a decent conversation or make even the most basic reasoned argument. It fills me with a shame that I cannot put to words.

As a result, we follow leaders barely smarter than their dim followers. Bill Riccio is a perfect example of this phenomenon. We can only claim that he has any intellectual capacity because of the company he keeps. Charles Doles Jr. isn't dumber than a post, only because a human cannot be physically stupider than an inanimate object. I think Tom Metzger is functionally retarded. On the positive side, the vast majority of local leaders make white supremacists such as Matthew Hale and David Duke look like geniuses.

The situation in America has gotten very bad for us. Only a black man, a woman, or a John McCain could conceivably win the presidential election this year and we are defenseless to stop it. What if, for a running mate, one party picks a Jew and the other a Mexican? That would be a real slap in the face for us. For many reasons, we've fallen out of the mainstream of American life over the last 40 years. We've lost our historical prominence in a country founded by slave-owning white supremacists.

Partially, our tragic decline can be attributed to the extremely limited mental abilities of our members and our leaders. We often mistake a modicum of charisma for true leadership. Many of our members are, to put it bluntly, moronic rejects. We seem to be unable to appeal to anyone with any knowledge of anything. In fact, we supposedly promote the greatness of pure white skin and yet our ranks are filled with idiots covered in tattoos. How can we be proud of our white skin if we hide it? It's a bit hypocritical.

Another reason for our descent into irrelevance is due to the mainstream right employing a watered-down version of our message. Ronald Reagan began his 1980 presidential campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi, talking about a return to American values. I'm guessing most of my neo-nazi brethren have lost me here, if any were smart enough to actually use a computer. Philadelphia, Mississippi was the city where three northern civil rights workers were killed in 1965, back in the good old days. Reagan constantly gave us coded messages offering to lead our movement, but we were too dumb to realize. This year, Huckabee and Paul divided our political support. We just can't seem to get things together.

My fellow neo-nazis and other white supremacists, the days ahead look dark and we don't seem to have a flashlight or know how to make one or where to buy one. I hope that in the coming years we can restore our prevalence in the realm of American politics and in the society at large. But I'm not so sure we can.

Brother Ezekiah J.

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