Thursday, February 21, 2008

Charles Barkley Campaign Ad

The government in the state of Alabama is a mess. A deaf blind retard could do a better job. Since we can't find one, why not vote for me, Charles Barkley!

I have the credentials. I won the 1993 NBA MVP Award and averaged 22.1 points per game and 11.7 rebounds per game throughout my career. I will be the best power forward of any of my future contenders, as long as Tim Duncan or Bob Pettit don't run. And guess what, they won't run. They don't have the guts.

Vote for the Round Mound of Economic Rebound. The state of Alabama needs urgent help! Vote for me, Charles Barkley, in the Democratic primary for Governor of Alabama in 2014. Remember, I can't screw things up worse than they are now.

I am Charles Barkley and I approve this message.

1 comment:

Lord Cobra said...

You've got my vote Mr Barkley. Just let me move to Alabama first