Friday, March 16, 2007

NCAA Tournament, Day 1

All in all this was a rather bland day as far as NCAA tournaments go. I went 12-4, losing with ODU, Texas Tech, GW, and BYU. I was pleased to see VCU pull it out over Duke. In fact, Duke and Greg Paulus played better than I anticipated. Even with exceeding expectations, Paulus still struggled against Eric Maynor's pressure. Hey, I saw him steal the CAA tourney from us, I know what he can do.

Georgetown played well after a shaky start and I feel good about that. ODU's loss cost me a Sweet 16 team. So did George Washington. I was disappointed with GW's play. They just didn't have it, but I'm a big fan of Karl Hobbs and I know he'll guide his team back in the future.

James Brown announced the games in Sacramento with Len Elmore. I like James Brown a lot, but I don't know what it was today. Between his annoying moan whenever Len Elmore made a good point and the difference in their manner of speaking, he just wasn't working for me today. James Brown announces a game in a choppy rapid fire manner, while Len Elmore has a calm smoother speaking style. Len Elmore is the best analyst in the business. Hopefully Day 2's games will be more entertaining and prove me smart.

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