Monday, March 05, 2007

Late Night Runs

It was late at night. Jon was watching David Steinberg and his disturbing left pinky finger on the television when Jon began to sweat. Pain rushed through his body like a crowd into a Walmart on the day after Thanksgiving.

Jon had a fever. He felt like vomiting. He had diarrhea. Both urges needed to be solved urgently. He wasn't sure which to choose first. He had to make a Sophie's Choice.

After the situation was resolved, Jon went to purchase some Nyquil from the store. On his way, he realized that he needed gas. He stopped and a kindly old man waddled up to Jon’s car slowly. The man calmly filled the tank of Jon's Honda. As he handed Jon the receipt, the man said, "Have a good trip and try to stay awake." Jon smiled and drove off.

While he drove home, he had an idea. 'I'll try to make a story from three unrelated incidents that I want to share. That'll be interesting.' After he got home, he wrote the story and realized that he was wrong; it was uninteresting and pointless.

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