Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Civil War or Anti-Occupation?

With the Baker-Hamilton report coming out today, many people have deemed the situation in Iraq a civil war. I question that conclusion.

The violence in Iraq needs to be investigated. Who is dying? Why are they being targeted? Is it because they have known ties to the American forces? Or is it because they are associated with the new Iraqi army or police force that have both been propped up by America? Perhaps the violence in Iraq is anti-occupation and not the manifestation of severe sectarian strife. This needs to be seriously considered, because if true, it means that American presence in Iraq cannot help the situation, but can only exacerbate it.

To lighten the mood a bit, did you hear the one about the Iraqi comedian who was killed?

He left behind a wife and three kids.

1 comment:

AnonymousBlogger said...

That's a very good point.

I think you are probably right. Unfortunately, the media seems to have it's head so far up it's ass, it has become impossible to get any real tangible news out of there.

If this was the case, I doubt we would actually hear it however. Because, you know, support the troops.