Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Outside the Box

Ironically, I couldn't think of any creative way to say this. I've been disappointed at intellectuals that cannot see outside the box. Everything is literal to them. Either you make a reasoned argument or follow a specific premise or you're wrong and you're either an "-ist" or a Commie French lover.

My issue with intelligent liberals is different from my problem with intelligent conservatives. I'll address liberals first because I'd like to see them progress more. I've been thinking about the role of Hip Hop (specifically, but this applies to a lot more) in today's culture. I believe that it has been overwhelmingly positive. Liberals do not give most emcees nearly enough credit for their intelligence. They've brought issues into the nation's dialogue that would not otherwise be there. Sometimes they've done this in a liberal-friendly way. Other times they've done this in an offensive way. The important part is that there is dialogue and avenues towards solving local, national, and global problems.

A really big problem I have with liberals is their defensiveness. If someone says something offensive it must be harmful. As I said above, everything is taken literally. If an otherwise intelligent person makes a ridiculous argument, perhaps it is intentional. Maybe you just didn't get it. An important part in being smart is the ability to be humble. Try to rise that person’s level instead of just criticizing them without thinking.

I guess conservative intellectuals see causation where it doesn't exist. If you disagree with gay people marrying because it's part of your religion that's fine (as long as you're consistent and follow everything else your religion preaches). Those are your personal beliefs, keep them to yourself, great, fine, good. However, gay marriage is not the death of heterosexual marriage. That just doesn't make any fucking sense. Straight people won't have to marry gay (unless I missed part of the debate), so you’ll be fine. Anyway, I don't care enough about conservatives to go on. I hope I've offended somebody (finally).

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