Friday, January 13, 2006

My Thoughts On Jesus

Jesus preached peace and love for his fellow humans. His teachings are an ideal for each human being on this earth to attempt to aspire too. He spoke about turning the other cheek and loving your enemies. Thus, killing in his name would be the opposite of what he wanted. Also, since he preached about loving everyone, you Christians might want to stop saying "God hates Fags." Jesus, your god, loved everyone. You hate. Hate is the opposite of love. So you are doing the opposite of what your god expects of you. You can follow the same logic with killing people.

Plus, saying God hates Fags hurts the feelings of Florida State Wide Receiver De'Cody Fagg. Don't worry, God loves you De'Cody. Also, it's offensive, because Jesus was gay.

Why would you say that god hates De'Cody Fagg? What did he ever do to you? And gays didn't do anything to you either. Listen to Jesus, quit douching up the neighborhood!

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