Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Fat People Are People Too

So this nice fat guy held the door for me while we were both leaving the Chipotle. Then he was very sweet for apologizing after getting in my way following holding the door for me (cuz he's fat).

Turns out we were parked right next to each other. I parked too close for him to get into his car. I felt so bad, cuz he was such a sweet guy and it was raining pretty hard and he just had to stand there and wait for me to pull out so he could get into his car.

Then I realized something. It's his fucking fault for being fat! Lose some weight fat ass and you'd be able to fit through a 3-foot wide gap between our cars!!! And get the fuck outta my way tubby, I can hold my own door!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

finally, someone is saying what i've been thinking and feeling all these years!