Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Banality of Jeffery Anoka's Evil

Jeffery Anoka is the acting Chief Human Capital Officer at HHS. On Friday, he sent a heartlessly cruel email to all those probationary workers at HHS who were callously fired regardless of their performance. In a form email, Anoka blanketly criticized the performance of all fired workers, disregarding their actual competence on the job. That critique may stay on their permanent government record even if their performance wasn't substandard in reality.

For the indiscriminate gutting of the federal workforce to actually work, there must be Jeffery Anokas, craven opportunists who stifle their integrity at the expense of their ambition. Perhaps if he stood up and said he wouldn't send the email, which is designed to gut the government's ability to fund health-related research, he would be replaced and someone else would send the email. But that's the point. If everyone stood up and refused to carry out these destructive requests, they wouldn't be carried out. Every evil system needs its order-takers to carry out the brunt work. It's the only way the leadership can assert its grip on power.

The Jeffery Anokas of the country should be named and shamed. It's the only way to hold them accountable and stop the internal implosion of the federal government.

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