Friday, October 23, 2020

Donald Trump's Terrible Debate Shows He's Unqualified

Don't be fooled, Trump didn't throw up words all over the stage last night as he did in the first debate, but when we actually got to hear his answers, we now know why he used that strategy the first time around.

Trump's answer to whether he has a plan for covid-19 was shamefully. He compared the deaths that have already taken place to imaginary projections. He showed no remorse for those who have died and no vision forward. At one point, he uttered the hilariously obtuse, "I take full responsibility. It's not my fault."

Trump's answer to the question of his child separation policy at the border was horrific. The parents of over 500 kids cannot be located after the government forcibly separated them from their children. He lied about coyotes and was shamed by Biden. But his answer that the kids are well-taken care up was an answer equally callous and incompetent. What if I took your children away from you, but at least they have nice cages.

I don't understand why the Trump administration thinks it's a good idea to bring up H1N1. I remember those swine flu days when I was stuck at hope after losing my job. Grocery shopping could amount to a death sentence while travel was out of the question. I couldn't visit my mom for months. Except, that didn't happen.

At least for me, H1N1 had so little impact on my life I didn't even realize it had happened during Obama's tenure as president. I would've guessed 2003 of something. To compare how the administrations' handling H1N1 and coronavirus, is obviously a losing battle for Trump.

Trump has a tactic of hurling accusations at opponents for which he has been accused. He actually blamed Biden for his son's interactions in- get this- Russia, Ukraine, and China! Trump's affinity for Russia's dictator Vladimir Putin is at best bizarre. His attempted shakedown of the Ukrainian president is the reason he was impeached. Trump makes money from the Chinese government in a gross conflict of interest.

One area Trump actually believes his own rhetoric is with North Korea. Do you remember the North Korean war of 2014? What was Obama thinking? Except that never happened. Trump's greatest foreign policy success in his own mind is averting war with North Korea. Of course, we haven't had a war with North Korea for 70 years. Trump has legitimized a brutal dictator and received nothing in return. It is a horrible failure.

Trump has not been the best president for black Americans. Besides a few token accomplishments that pale in comparison to those of other presidents, his racist rhetoric as made black Americans even more vulnerable. Hate groups love Trump because he legitimizes them and their message. His pandering to black voters isn't actually about gaining their votes. It's about making white voters feel less racist for voting for him.

In fairness, Trump might still be a top ten president for black people. Remember, 11 presidents owned slaves. Segregation was legal under 12 presidents. It says more about our society and the racist presidents we've elected than it does about Trump. Presidents have helped free the slaves, integrated the army, and pass the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts. Presidents have used federal power to ensure the integration of schools and to provide justice for black victims when southern localities wouldn't. Trump, a man who called some neo-Nazis "very fine people" claimed last night, "I am the least racist person in this room."

In a horrible debate performance, perhaps Trump's worst moment was on health care. It has been five years since he first ran for president. He has been president for almost four years. He has consistently tried to repeal the ACA. Through it all, he has no health care plan. As late as 2017, he didn't even understand what it is, confusing it with life insurance. 

Isn't it odd that a party that doesn't believe in evolution advocates for a health care system that boils down to survival of the fittest?

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