Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My Democrat Rankings after the 2nd Debate Part 2

After the second debate (part 2), these are my new ranking of the Democratic Candidates for president.

1. - Elizabeth Warren (Sen, Mass)

2. - Cory Booker (Sen, NJ) - He is a forceful advocate, but he called the Republicans and Trump "the enemy," which is rhetoric we need to move away from.

3. - Bernie Sanders (Sen, Vt)

4. - Pete Buttigieg (Mayor, Ind)

5. - Julian Castro (Sec, HUD) - He didn't get a lot of airtime, but his debate was solid.

6.  Jay Inslee (Gov, Was) - He had a very strong debate. He clearly explained the progressive legislation he helped pass in Washington state and was a passionate advocate to fight against climate change.

7.  Andrew Yang - He seemed to have the right messaging to beat Trump and knew what he was talking about.

8.  Kamala Harris (Sen, Cal) - I'm for the Warren-Sanders health care plan, but I felt like she lost the debate with Bennet on health care. I even started questioning my beliefs on health care, that's how poorly she argued for the plan.

9.  Kirsten Gillibrand (Sen, NY) - Twice she had a brain fart and had no idea what to say. She did well otherwise, but hard to get passed those lapses.

10. - Amy Klobuchar (Sen, Min)

11.  Michael Bennet (Sen, Col) - His health care argument started to make sense. Either he, Ryuan, or Bullock should be the moderate in the race.

12.  Tim Ryan (Rep, Ohio)

13.  Bill De Blasio (Mayor, NY) - He's running from the left, but Warren, Sanders, Booker, and Harris have more cred.

14.  Steve Bullock (Gov, Montana)

15.  Beto O'Rourke (Fmr Rep, Tex)

16.  Joe Biden (Fmr VP) - He trips over his thoughts and doesn't speak clearly. Booker swatted him down for invoking Obama when it was convenient and destroyed him on criminal justice. Hopefully, he won't be the front-runner for very long.

17.  Tulsi Gabbard (Rep, Hi) - She seems to be running to be Biden's VP candidate based on the attack on Harris's record.

18. - Mike Gravel (Fmr Sen, Alaska)

19. - John Hickenlooper (Fmr Gov, Col)

20. - John Delaney (Fmr Rep, MD)

21. - Marianne Williamson

22. - SestakMoultonMessam, Steyer

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