Saturday, February 16, 2019

Iguanas and a Minimart

I spent the afternoon yesterday walking to a minimart about a mile from the hotel. I had become tired of spending$3 for a 20oz soda. Some parts of the Willemstad area are really built up and a few feet away they're not. Very quickly I left the resorts behind, trudged along a dirt path on the side of the road as cars whipped by me.

The minimart was run by a man of Chinese heritage. It was a hole in the wall with much of the inventory visible in piles in the back. I thought about either flying to the sun or visiting hell to experience some relief from the swelter of the store's bowels.

I marched past the mostly Dutch vacationers at Mambo Beach proid that I had 8 drinks, cookies, cassava chips, and gummies for only $16. There have been Americans here, but we're outnumbered by the Dutch. There are lots of Dutch children here which makes me wonder about the school schedule in the Netherlands.

Today was a lowkey day: all you can eat tacos and a trip to the resort's fake beach. The beach is extremely rocky and my feet are raw as a result. I went swimming in the sea and both babies started crying hysterically because they thought I was swimming away forever.

We've seen a lot of iguanas on the island. It had been my goal to eat iguana, but so far I've only heard of one restaurant that serves them and it's in Westpunt. The iguanas have tended to be a little skiddish, maybe because they keep getting eaten, but some are more social.

In Curacao, the word dushi is very popular. My kids have been called dushi. It's pronounced like douchey, so I call Candace it all the time. Even when I mean it like douchey, I have cover. It's cathartic and yet sweet at the same time.

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