Sunday, December 19, 2010

Bye Bye DADT

Don' Ask Don't Tell was one of those idiotic laws that can only come about through bizarre political compromise completely removed from reality. That it is finally repealed is a small step forward for gay rights.

It's a minor success rooted in a wider fundamental principle. To serve as an openly gay person in the military, an institution that relies on complete obedience and is a symbol of American imperial power, must be a curious sort of freedom indeed. But it is important to chip away at the belief that being gay is a character flaw. Repealing DADT serves that purpose.

Still, there are bigger fish to fry. Of course, gay people should have the right to marry another willing adult regardless of gender. But, more importantly, a law needs to be passed making it a crime to fire a person from their job on the basis of sexual orientation. Amazingly, you can legally fire a gay person just because of their sexual preference. There is no federal law against it. That is wrong in every sense of the word and must be rectified.

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