Thursday, October 07, 2010

Gandhi vs. Rocky

I try to pattern myself after Gandhi and Rocky. That might seem like a bit of a contradiction, but it's all about knowing which person to follow with regards to a particular area.

Topic: Violence
Who I follow: Gandhi
Why: Rocky's violence is controlled and limited to sport, but I still like the nonviolent route personally.

Topic: Diet
Who I follow: Rocky
Why: A glass of raw eggs tastes hideous, but it beats a bunch of vegetables any day of the week. Plus, I like a late night/early morning nosh.

Topic: Clothes
Who I follow: Rocky
Why: It's easier to run in sweats.

Topic: Knowledge
Who I follow: Gandhi
Why: Like Gandhi, I can read.

Topic: Pithy Comments
Who I follow: Both
Why: Because Western civilization is a good idea, but if my turtles could sing and dance, I wouldn't be doing this.

Winner: Me!

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