Thursday, November 12, 2009

Amritsar to Dehra Dun

As usual, there were a few little kids on the train, screaming their cute little heads off. I was in the top bunk of a 3AC sleeper and the nice man across from me, the father of one of the yelling children, was snoring like a cartoon character. I did manage some sleep though.

Back in Amritsar last night, I was walking on Lawrence Road. There was a young Indian woman looking at me and smiling. I was looking at her and smiling. We were having a little moment. She was with her mother buying something from a vendor, who stored his goods on one of those old wooden horse carts. As I walked closer, our eyes still locked, I saw that the cart was very close to a car and knew I had to maneuver my way through the impass suavely. However, I didn't see the wooden handle jutting out like a nunchuk, stationed at groin level. "Oh!" is the closest written translation to the noise that came out of my mouth as I walked into the handle groin first. I keeled over at the waste. She and her mother were sympathetic. I quickly got back up, muttered something about not seeing it, and walked off in embarrassed laughter.

After checking out the hotel at noon, I peed 6 times before boarding the train at about 9:30pm. I peed another 3 times on the train. I had lunch today with a Danish guy. He said he'd never seen someone drink an entire liter of water in one meal. I've done that maybe 5 times in India, not including the times I came close. Maybe that's the culprit.

Dehra Dun, the capital of Uttarakhand, is kind of gray. Maybe because it's cloudy, but maybe because everything is just kind of drab. The roads are quite crowded, which is always frustrating. You're inches from walking in the open sewer and a motorcycle comes up behind you and honks for you to get out of the way. But I heard the rest of Uttarrakhand is beautiful. Dehra Dun is a little over 2200 feet above sea level. It hasn't been hot during the day and I expect it to be freezing at night.

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