Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Twenty Ten

Next year will be twenty ten. Not Two thousand and ten. Twenty ten.

Did the New York Knicks win their first championship in One thousand, nine hundred and seventy? Was Seinfeld first on the air in Nineteen hundred ninety-one? Don't be ridiculous, you fucking moron. Seinfeld first aired in Nineteen eighty-nine.

Besides adhering to tradition, it's also practical to call next year Twenty ten. Count the syllables in Two thousand and ten. Can't do it? Ok, I'll help you. The answer is 5. Twenty ten only has 3. 3 is fewer than 5. Thus, it is more economical. What are you not getting about this? Who are you, Lord Pepperbee, you have to enunciate every letter of every word?

So, to reiterate, 2010 = Twenty ten. And if you say anything different, I'm coming after you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I've heard both said in the news and in advertisements, but mainly I'm hearing the "twenty" pronunciation in the news — certainly because they say the years quite often so need a shorter way of saying them. In (car) ads they tend to stick with the "two thousand" more often than not, but I'm sure that's just because they don't want to confuse their idiot consumers. I'm just wondering how we'll refer to our 2010 Ford cars in 5 years or so?

Fred: What type of car do you have?
Steve: I have a '10 Ford.
Fred: Huh?? You have 10 Fords??? What are you Jay Leno?... ohh, I get it now