Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm Pissed at the Taliban

I'm pissed at the Taliban. They've decided to shave their beards in an attempt to escape from Pakistan. We had a deal!

I remember when it all happened. The Taliban were sitting around chilling. They knew they needed a gimmick, but they weren't sure which to choose. One guy suggested, "Dude, why don't we all grow beards?"

The rest of the Taliban were all like unsure and junk. One guy's girl didn't like beards. Another couldn't get his beard to connect with the mustache and that was a source of embarrassment. Yet another guy said that beards were currently out of style.

That's when I stepped in. I said, "If you guys decide to grow a beard, I'll grow one too." Evidently, all they needed was that little bit of reassurance. So we all grew beards and everything was cool.

Now I read that the Taliban are shaving off their beards. I was never consulted. I'm the reason why they have beards, the least they could have done was talk to me about it! Well, I'm not shaving my beard. I'm not going to follow them if they don't want to even tell me what they're going to do. From now on, this is an anti-Taliban beard!

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