Sunday, March 15, 2009

Throwing Shoes is Illegal

Someone is responsible for the death of your family and the destruction of your country. You see him talking about it in a very smug manner. You might jump up and rip the guy's head off. Or, if you're more rational, you'd make a more symbolic gesture, like throw your shoes him and miss.

Apparently, throwing your shoes (and missing!) will get you three years in an Iraqi prison. What was he charged with? Attempted assault with a not dangerous non-weapon? It's not fair. George Bush is ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of Iraqis and is clearing brush outside his gigantic ranch while the guy who threw his shoes at him (and MISSED) languishes away in an Iraqi prison.

As a replacement for that Saddam Hussein statue, they should put that guy's bronzed shoes on a pedestal. The Iraqi shoe-thrower is a hero. He should be given a parade, not put in prison.

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