Saturday, August 23, 2008

About Joe Biden

Dear Senator Obama,

Why would you pick Joe Biden to be your running mate? I don't understand it. Do you want to spend the rest of your campaign hoping that your partner keeps his mouth closed? Do you want to wake up every morning having to pray that he doesn't so much as compliment you by saying that you are "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy" to run for president? Sure, he has experience. But what does that matter when his experience is filled with stupid ideas?

In one narrow sense, it's a courageous selection. Biden will not be a yes man and it's always nice to have differing viewpoints when making decisions that will affect the entire world. But politically it doesn't make any sense. Choosing Biden is an admission that you are weak on foreign policy. It undermines your judgment argument. It undermines your change argument. It undermines your argument for reforming Washington. I don't see how adding a man who voted to authorize the war in Iraq and repeatedly voted to fund the war adds to the ticket. If I wanted to vote for an experienced person like that, I would vote for McCain.

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