Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hard to Get Used To

I keep telling myself that the swastikas everywhere in India represent good luck and had that meaning well before the Nazis adopted the symbol. But excuse me, it's a hard adjustment.

Another thing that's hard to get used to in India is when (quite possibly homophobic) heterosexual men walk down the street holding hands or are wrapped in each others' arms. I've seen (heterosexual and again probably homophobic) dudes laying on each others' lap. It's a tough thing to get used to. I mean, if I knew they were gay, it wouldn't be anything, but considering that most of the country is probably not gay and the attitudes towards homosexuality in India, it's very weird. But it just goes to show you that homosexuality is not a stagnant universal idea. But I still can't imagine talking to a buddy, "Hey, did you see the Nats game last night? It was awesome; they won in 11." And my friend replies, "Yeah, let's hold hands."

Yesterday I was in Fort Cochin sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tide roll away, while listening to music. A guy sat down right next to me, "Insects." I took on ear phone out to hear better, "What?"
"Gay sex?" That made more sense than 'Insects.'
"Ohh. No." As if declining a rickshaw ride.
"Fucking." Usually a component of gay sex.
"Just boys." The other major requirement for gay sex.
"No." Then the guy sat their for about 30 awkward seconds and left. I must admit it takes courage to go up to a stranger and ask for sex. That kid has balls. I just don't want them in my mouth.

Afterward two separate old guys offered me weed. One by the police station, the other waiting for the ferry back to Ernakulam. I don't what it was, maybe the Nick Johnson shirt I was wearing. Then today at lunch I got fish curry in my eye. The waiter asked if it was too spicey. "Nope, just got some in my eye."

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