Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Gun Debate

In the wake of another shooting tragedy, some have said that arming everyone will give us protection against situations like this. I totally agree. If everyone had a concealed weapon on them, what could go wrong? We would all be safe. My main concern is keeping my very emotional family safe. And having guns in the house is definitely the best way to achieve that end.

If everyone was armed, image what would happen if Joey Crawford ever bumped into Tim Duncan at a comedy club. Duncan would think twice before laughing. Yesterday at Fenway Park, one fan taunted another for eating pizza at a baseball game. When a foul ball came at the taunter, the pizza eater threw his slice at the bully and it hit him on the shoulder and neck. It was a nice throw, topping-side up, especially since pizza slices are hard to grip. But if I may say so, I would never make fun of someone for eating pizza at a baseball game. I would also never eat pizza at a baseball game because I don't have the money. But if I could ever afford a $10 slice of pizza, I would have enough to throw it at someone who was making fun of me for eating it.

Now, imagine if we put guns into that situation. It would certainly have been a different, safer story.

No matter what anyone tells you, arming everyone is the way to be safe. Guns don't kill people, people kill people (it's best not to think about that one too hard). Just give me a gun to keep in my car and don't even think about cutting me off. Don't tell me the Knicks suck, you didn't like the movie Rocky, anything anti-Semitic, or you don't have mustard in your restaurant either. What kind of fucking restaurant doesn't have mustard? You have turkey sandwiches, you better damn well have mustard you fucking assholes. AHHHHHHH! SUPPORT THE NRA.

1 comment:

John said...

Armed society? A polite society. It's in the books; look it up.

Of DOES that factor in when an insane individual's definition of "polite" differs from the rest of us...hrm. That's a detail we can work out in conference.