Monday, October 23, 2006

You're Crazy!

I went over to my friend Adam's house a few years ago. My mission was to help him. He's mentally irregular and I get nervous because he has a myriad of weapons in his house.

Before going over I gave him a call:
"Hey Adam, please get rid of your weapons."
"You keep saying that. What weapons? I don't have any."
"Cut out the bullshit, you have them. Get rid of them or I'm coming over!"
"I don't have them, and you can't come over tonight, I'm busy. How about next week?"
"You're fucking crazy man. You can't be trusted with those guns, get rid of them, or I'll do it for you. Throw them out by 4pm or I'm coming over!"
"I can't give you something I don't have! I have to get back to work, damn."

I knew if I didn't act quickly he might unleash his fury on his neighbor Moishe, or worse, he could come to my house. I rang his doorbell. "Just a minute," he called. Five seconds later, I busted down the door. "Where are they?!" I screamed.

"Where are what?" Adam answered.
"The weapons! You're a madman. Give 'em to me."
"I don't have anything man. And quit calling me crazy."
"You need help man. I'm here to help you."
"That's it, I'm calling the police." Adam said. Then I beat him, screaming "You need help, you're crazy, you need me."

Now Adam is institutionalized in a mental health facility. His life has fallen apart. He is deemed to be crazy now, though there is no credible evidence that he was ever diagnosed as crazy before. I went to visit him recently.

"Hey Adam. I want to help you."
Adam began sniveling, "No, just leave me alone."
"You need me Adam or you'll be worse off."
"No, I don't trust you, just leave."
"Adam, only I can help you. Without me, you're life will be a disaster."
"My life is a disaster because of you! Sure, things weren't perfect, but you ruined my life's fragil stability. Just get the fuck away from me."

Poor Adam, he still doesn't know what's best for him. He needs my help.


AnonymousBlogger said...

Isn't it also true that neighbour across the street really does have weapons? Didn't I hear them a couple weeks ago? It was as if he was testing them or something. Keep an eye on that guy.

knibilnats said...

Thanks, I'll have a talk with him. But not without 5 of my buddies. I still gotta focus on saving Adam though.

Swati Sengupta said...

Errr... don't let Adam live in peace... he must have hidden all weapons... such a helpful friend u r... will u help few more too?

(well... thinking to be a fan of ur sarcasm)