Saturday, October 28, 2006

Message From Grandpa 4

My Grandpa died 7 years ago today. Whenever he visited, we used to sit out on the porch and talk. We'd talk about sports mostly. He'd smoke cigarettes and the smoke would always seem to find me no matter where I sat. I remember one specific day, when I was 12 years old, Grandpa told me, "There's nothing in the world worse than losing a child." He was talking about my dad.

It's made me think about the soldiers in Iraq. "There's nothing in the world worse than losing a child." It's made me think about their families.

"There's nothing in the world worse than losing a child." It's made me think about the people of Iraq who have been affected by war through death. "There's nothing in the world worse than losing a child."

Yeah well, losing a Grandpa ain't too great either.

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