Thursday, October 12, 2006

I Should Be (3)

a journalist. Hey, my claims are as unsubstantiated as anyone else's. If I drilled a grieving mother as to the whereabouts of her missing 2-year old son, driving her to suicide, I wouldn't devote the entire next month of my show to defecating on her character and implying that she murdered her son.

The roles of a journalist and that of a jury are different. A journalist reports facts and all sides of a debate; a jury determines a person's innocence or guilt. It's a pretty distinct difference. If I was a journalist, I also wouldn't smear makeup all over my face until I covered up the dirtiness. I wouldn't take on an ironic stage name, for example- I would try to "report" with grace, if that happened to be my last name.

I also wouldn't go on the warpath against all people who aren't American (or against those who don't fit my conception of what is an American). I would report all sides of issues such as, let's just say, outsourcing and illegal immigration. If I decided to become an isolationist, I'd save my covertly racist opinions for dinner parties, instead of exclaiming them at the expense of journalism on my CNN television program.

If I heard a hot tip, I'd try to get confirmation before reporting it. I wouldn't attempt to put the fear of Jesus in the viewer/reader, but instead I'd allow the reader to become more knowledgeable about an issue. Or if not more knowledgeable, I at least wouldn't just make shit up.

I wouldn't report facts as opinions. Here, let me give this whole fact thing a try (keep in mind, these are facts, not liberal bias):

  • Al Qaeda and Iraq had no substantial link before the Iraq war.
  • Saddam Hussein had no link to the attacks on September 11, 2001.
  • The war in Iraq has lasted over 3 years.
  • There have been no weapons of mass destruction found in Iraq.
  • Osama bin Laden is still at large.
  • Many more Iraqis have died than lives lost on 9-11 (a report said over 600,000).

Hmm, now I have a weird tingle in my head. And look, I still retained the plot of last week's Laguna Beach.


AnonymousBlogger said...

I agree 100%. But I can't help but wonder why we, the public, don't demand more from the people who bring us our news?

Maybe the majority of us are too lazy to read the facts, and figure things out for ourselves. Maybe it's easier to have the news people tell us what to think.

Or maybe I'm just crazy.

Anonymous said...

you can remember the plot of laguna beach because there is no plot in that show.

knibilnats said...

if there's no plot, then how can remember it ian?