Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Polish Countryside

Patricia took me to her country house yesterday, north of Warsaw. There, we met her dad, who is a very sweet guy. He's in to Buddhism and Taoism and meditation. And as you could have guessed, he's the chairman of a sugar company and was educated as an economist.

Walking through the forest was amazing and I even overcame my fear of dogs! Well, maybe just for the moment.

I am constantly astonished by the power of my words. I am surprised that people can get hurt by what I say. I don't even really believe that you're reading this right now to be honest. I think it is perhaps the process of becoming an "adult" but I don't view my words as having much value.

But there are times when my words do hurt people. Sometimes it is intentional. I want to shake someone's thinking. I want to get them out of their comfort zone. I am proud when I am able to accomplish this.

There are other times when I will make a stupid comment with the assumption that I cannot hurt someone with my words because my words are not powerful enough coming from my mouth or my fingers as the case might be. But they do hurt people. And it is my fault because of my own self-consciouness. And that's all I can say. Oh and maybe, I'm sorry.

Pretty soon I'm about to embark on an 18 hour bus ride, then I'll spend a few hours alone in Munich, and then it's a 9 hour flight home. Oh, and I can't sleep on planes or buses.

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