Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Racist

Things that a racist says:

I don't see race, we're all human.

Everyone has an equal opportunity in America.

I hear what you're saying, but...

There's no difference between "White Power" and "Black Power."

Things are better than before.

I'm not racist, but...

Get over it.


nubian said...

or, my best friend is [insert non-white race here]

knibilnats said...

that's a good one. i even get that after jewish jokes too. i always respond, "Oh I'm sorry. I didn't get the secret email that your friend was supposed to send me saying it was ok for you to insult my people. My fault."

nubian said...

haha...i'm bitin' that line now. it's such a perfect response!

TBLJ said...

Here one; "You don't sound black." My response "really, what do black people sound like."

knibilnats said...

nubian: haha, thanks.

tblj: another good one.