Thursday, March 23, 2006

Saddam's Foreign Minister Just Trying To Make A Dollar

Saddam Hussain's Foreign Minister at the time of the US invasion, Naji Sabri, provided the US with intelligence about Iraq's weapons. He was paid by the CIA. He was ignored.

This goes out to Naji in particular. I know the feeling. I've been writing the White House for years- not so much about Iraqi weapons intelligence, more about how George Bush's actions have caused the deaths of so many people- and have always been ignored (besides the standard auto-reply email).

Maybe people don't like when you call them out for what they are, if what they are is a douche. Got that? And that's what my boy Naji and myself were doing. So I guess it's really our fault for saying anything at all. My grade school teachers always taught me: "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." That might be the worst advice you could give a child. Well, it's at least as bad as: "Hey everyone throw your pennies at the cheap Jew." Jokes on you, Coinstar lets me sort those pennies for free and turn them into real cash!

On a side note, the best advice a teacher ever gave me was: "Chase the fat kid." New record- in four short paragraphs I turned a very serious mistake over weapons intelligence that helped lead our country to war into a teacher telling me to run after fat kids. Yes, I toss and turn quite a bit at night.

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