Sunday, April 24, 2005

It's OK to be Gay

It seems pretty ridiculous for me to have to use a title as the one above, but in this period of bigotry, it is appropriate. Gay marriage has been a hot button issue in the United States over the past few years. Some feel that marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman. This position intrigues me, because of the reality of marriage in America.

Around half of all marriages end in divorce. Some end in one spouse hacking the other to bits, or hiring someone to do the hacking. And they still think two men can't marry each other? How can marriage be considered a sacred institution if divorce (or hacking) is possible? Then you would be ending a sacred occurrence. You have to be quite the egomaniac to believe that you have the power to end a something sacred and let me tell you, God will be pissed when He finds out!

It is the conservative movement that is the strongest opponent to gay marriage becoming legal. There are some liberals who also feel this way though. Those liberals are not upholding liberal philosophy. Conservative ideology believes that the government has no place in individuals' private lives. Government should not be allowed to tell you who and when to marry under this philosophy. However, Republicans want to dictate the marriage capabilities of some people because they believe that they carry the word of the Lord. First of all, this is not socialism you commies! The state doesn't get to control people's private lives in a free democratic society. Second off, the concept of God varies depending on an individual's belief. This belief can range from absent to detailed in a so-called religious text. Your book does not contain my God.

Gay people do not want to marry their relatives or animals. Drop that shit. I don't even want to meet the person whose mind is sick enough to come up with that and then try to blame someone else for conjuring those thoughts. You are fucked up and this is from a guy who thinks Sammy Davis Jr. should be pope.

Whether or not gay people can marry really doesn't impact my life or anyone else's life except for those people whose happiness would thus be made legal. My interpretation of marriage has nothing to due with legality however. I feel the only importance of this issue is that gay people should be treated equally.

The bigger issue is that many people feel that homosexuality is wrong. Some feel it is a choice. The bible says nothing about homosexuality. The bible is 2,000 years old written in a currently non-existent language. Possibly your translation is wrong. Anyway, if God is supposed to be omnipotent and beyond human understanding, then how can God's "thoughts" be represented in words? They can't. As far as people who "chose" to be gay, I think the Reverend Jerry Fallwell said it best. When asked about the time he sat down and chose to like girls, he said that never took place because people don't really think like that. He just started liking girls naturally. Hmmm, good point Jerry.

The fear many men have of gay men comes from their own insecurities. These men objectify women to such a degree that they project those sexual feelings onto gay men. They figure that gay men must lust for every man they see. To those men I say this: Not every person is so insecure with themselves that they have to objectify their sexual "prey." Please get some help.

The word "gay" is not synonymous with "stupid." It is not all right to use the term in that manner. It is hurtful.

The United States is supposed to represent an equality of opportunity. Certain adults cannot legally marry their consensual adult partners. This is wrong. We live in a society that should nurture all people, regardless of who they are attracted to. Our society is schizophrenic when it comes to discussing sex. We need to view these issues in a rational manner. It is ok to be gay.

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